In the Light of Chartres

The Dream of St. Martin
The Dream of St. Martin
Mixed media on Paper;
The Dream of St. Martin
The Dream of St. Martin
Chartres Cathedral;
South Portal, Right Bay; Lower left Lintel
13th Century
A Queen and A King
A Queen and A King
of the Old Testament
of the Old Testament
Mixed Media on Paper;
Kings and Queens
Kings and Queens
of the Old Testament;
of the Old Testament;
Chartres Cathedral; West (Royal) Portal,
Left Bay, Jamb Figures;
12th century
The Lord God Forms a Man
The Lord God Forms a Man
the Dust of the Earth:
the Dust of the Earth:
Genesis 2, 7
Genesis 2, 7
Mixed Media on Paper;
God Creates Adam:
God Creates Adam:
Chartres Cathedral,
North Portal, central bay, archivolt ;
13th century
I Am Here
I Am Here
Acrylic on Canvas;
Cathedral in Winter
Cathedral in Winter
Acrylic on Canvas;